hardynova's Diaryland Diary


wisdom teeth

i suppose the last entry i had isn't the last one for awhile

right now my right cheek is a bit swelled up due to surgery i had yesterday, which i shall recount in full glory

first i arrived at the office and didn't have to wait long before i was led back to the room by the nurse

i had been told previously that they would be using nitrous, but that ended up not being the case

what she gave me were two sticks dipped into a topical gel that numbed me up (i was having both upper wisdom teeth removed)

then she left while i sat and waited for the numbness

unfortunately she hadn't told me that it was ok to swallow and i continually found myself having to spit big mouthfuls of spit into my little pink, paper, dentist bib

there's no real door to the rooms they have, just curtains that they always keep open

from where i was sitting i could see into the break room, which was a tad frustrating to watch other people gabbing and drinking coffee while i'm there, helpless, with two sticks protruding from my mouth which was full of flavored spit

but then i was rescued by the dentist who removed the sticks, suctioned my mouth and gave me a new bib

then he gave me four novocaine shots (two on each side)

they weren't very painful, though i did feel them on the left

then i was left alone as my palate and cheeks grew very numb

i should mention that my brother was in another room also having the exact same procedure done on him and we were sharing the same dentist

well not exactly the same procedure, he had two simple extractions and i had one simple and one partially-impacted

so anyway, when i was good and numbed up, the dentist came in to start working on my

he told me that if at any point i felt a sharp pain that i was to raise my hand immediately

he said that i would feel a lot of pressure and pulling and would also hear some cracking and popping

he was a very nice dentist too, he always let me know exactly what was happening

so anyway, he started with my right side which was the partially impacted tooth, which was way high up and had no intention of every coming down anyway, so he had to cut into my gums

i swear, he was chiseling at me (i wonder how many pieces he broked my tooth into) it was very hard to keep my head straight, i had to keep straining my jaw and neck

he instructed the nurse to hold my head but still i was being pushed

part way through, he let me have a break and worked on the left side, which was the simple extraction (the tooth was already completely out) and that was really easy

then he resumed the pushing at my right tooth, my eyes were shut tight and i had tears streaming down each side of my face, dripping into my ears

my hands clutching the armrests of the chair

thankfully, i never felt the sharp pain, but my neck and jaw alone were killing me, my jaw had so much pressue on it, my right ear began to hurt

and the sounds, the noise!

the nurse kept telling me i was doing great, telling me to breathe through my nose, telling me it was all right

there's nothing they can do about the pressure pain

but when i t was over and he'd finished stitching my right side (didn't need it for the left) was when i really started sobbing

not from pain, but from the nerves

the dentist told me that was common and told to try to take deep breathes to help calm me down

so much pressure, so intense...i hate crying in front of people but sometimes it's the only way to relieve that tension

then the dentist left and the nurse gave me instructions and led me out to the waiting room

i told my mom and nearly started crying again

i had my bottom wisdom teeth removed when i was in high school, but i had been knocked out completely for that one

now i know what i missed, and am thankful that, at least, i didn't have to do this twice

my brother and i were glad that we had this procedure done at the same time, because sitting at home with gauze in your mouth and ice packs on your face...well, misery loves company

though my brother's surgery was easier than mine, that was more than made up for by the fact that my brother had a bad reaction to the pain medication

nausea and dizzy spells

he tried to go to the bathroom for fear he might vomit, but collapsed completely before reaching his destination

he couldn't eat for the rest of the night

but he's feeling much better now, so that's good

i have to go back next week to have them check on the stitches

so i'm probably just going to stay at home the entire time rather than go back to the apartment and have to come back

*sigh* i just want the swelling to go away

but thank god the surgery is done

and i'm not bleeding anymore

it's all behind me now

9:31 p.m. - August 15, 2002


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